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This will be our time to reflect on the thoughts that constantly float through our minds. 

Identifying thought patterns that aid us in our daily lives but more importantly the patterns we dwell on and bring out the emotions that challenge us the most. 

We will look into the relationship held with yourself and the relationships held with your loved ones and community. 

Ultimately we will be able to get a better understanding of your current perspective on life and correlate how this perspective affects your emotions where they can be stored in the physical body. 

During this portion of the phase we will take a deeper dive into the meaning you hold for your life. 

Through conversation, specific questions, and visualizations we will begin to identify your dreams and purpose for this life. 

We will review your current environment and lifestyle and determine whether or not it serves you in realizing your dreams and purpose. 


Support will be provided to construct an environment that is aligned to this realization.  

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